Project Flight Plan Takes Flight
Project Flight Plan
Fueled by her passion for avian conservation. awareness and education, Australian Mary Rose will row 2,400 nautical miles solo from Ventura, California to Honolulu, Hawaii. Her impressive trans-Pacific row will begin May 31, 2019 (pending weather), as she launches her boat Dippers from Ventura, and will require three months of continuous rowing across dangerous ocean waters.
Named Project FlightPlan, Mary’s journey will take place to raise funds and awareness for conservation projects sponsored by Chirping Central Conservation Fund, a (c)3 non-profit foundation dedicated to avian-related projects. Mary founded Chirping Central in 2010, after moving to Arizona and adopting her first companion bird, a charming and animated Eclectus parrot.
In order to prepare for Project FlightPlan, Mary has endured years of training and conditioning both her body and mind with the support of aa dedicated team – all while maintaining a fulltime job as an accountant! All proceeds raised through Project FlightPlan will go directly towards Chirping Central’s current and future avian projects

You can stay updated with the latest information from Mary’s Project FlightPlan journey on Twitter and Instagram by following @ChirpingCentral and by liking the Project FlightPlan Facebook page.
Rowing an Ocean for the Birds
Sometimes when you have a passion for something it takes you to places you never dreamed you would go! Entirely powered by human muscle, Mary will row every single mile between Ventura and Honolulu solo, in a huge test of physical and mental strength that will take approximately 90 days to complete.
Why row an ocean?
Well because Mary is passionate about bird conservation and she believes that Extinction is Optional®. This row is more than a row across the Pacific. It is a venue to raise awareness about issues which are facing avian species and also raise funds to save them. Please visit our Donation page to learn how you can help critically endangered birds in the wild. Here are just some of the bird species we have been asked to support:
Hawaiian Crow (<150 remaining and extinct in the wild)
Mangrove Finch (<100 remaining)
Red Crowned Amazon (<4300 and populations decreasing)
Red Fronted Macaw (<2700 and populations decreasing)
Hawaiian Petrel (< 10,000 and populations decreasing)
Palkachupa Cotinga (<530 and populations decreasing)
Golden Eagle and many other raptor species
Black WInged Starling (<1700 and populations decreasing)
Whooping Crane (<250 remaining)
Military Macaw (<14000 and populations decreasing)
Southern Ground Hornbill (unknown population but populations decreasing)